Module type Ctypes_types.TYPE

module type TYPE = sig .. end
Abstract interface to C object type descriptions

Values representing C types

type 'a typ 
The type of values representing C types. There are two types associated with each typ value: the C type used to store and pass values, and the corresponding OCaml type. The type parameter indicates the OCaml type, so a value of type t typ is used to read and write OCaml values of type t. There are various uses of typ values, including

The void type

val void : unit typ
Value representing the C void type. Void values appear in OCaml as the unit type, so using void in an argument or result type specification produces a function which accepts or returns unit.

Dereferencing a pointer to void is an error, as in C, and will raise IncompleteType.

Scalar types

The scalar types consist of the Arithmetic types and the Pointer types.

Arithmetic types

The arithmetic types consist of the signed and unsigned integer types (including character types) and the floating types. There are values representing both exact-width integer types (of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits) and types whose size depend on the platform (signed and unsigned short, int, long, long long).

val char : char typ
Value representing the C type char.

Signed integer types

val schar : int typ
Value representing the C type signed char.
val short : int typ
Value representing the C type (signed) short.
val int : int typ
Value representing the C type (signed) int.
val long : Signed.long typ
Value representing the C type (signed) long.
val llong : Signed.llong typ
Value representing the C type (signed) long long.
val nativeint : nativeint typ
Value representing the C type (signed) int.
val int8_t : int typ
Value representing an 8-bit signed integer C type.
val int16_t : int typ
Value representing a 16-bit signed integer C type.
val int32_t : int32 typ
Value representing a 32-bit signed integer C type.
val int64_t : int64 typ
Value representing a 64-bit signed integer C type.
module Intptr: Signed.S 
val intptr_t : Intptr.t typ
Value representing the C type intptr_t.
module Ptrdiff: Signed.S 
val ptrdiff_t : Ptrdiff.t typ
Value representing the C type ptrdiff_t.
val camlint : int typ
Value representing an integer type with the same storage requirements as an OCaml int.

Unsigned integer types

val uchar : Unsigned.uchar typ
Value representing the C type unsigned char.
val bool : bool typ
Value representing the C type bool.
val uint8_t : Unsigned.uint8 typ
Value representing an 8-bit unsigned integer C type.
val uint16_t : Unsigned.uint16 typ
Value representing a 16-bit unsigned integer C type.
val uint32_t : Unsigned.uint32 typ
Value representing a 32-bit unsigned integer C type.
val uint64_t : Unsigned.uint64 typ
Value representing a 64-bit unsigned integer C type.
val size_t : Unsigned.size_t typ
Value representing the C type size_t, an alias for one of the unsigned integer types. The actual size and alignment requirements for size_t vary between platforms.
val ushort : Unsigned.ushort typ
Value representing the C type unsigned short.
val sint : Signed.sint typ
Value representing the C type int.
val uint : Unsigned.uint typ
Value representing the C type unsigned int.
val ulong : Unsigned.ulong typ
Value representing the C type unsigned long.
val ullong : Unsigned.ullong typ
Value representing the C type unsigned long long.
module Uintptr: Unsigned.S 
val uintptr_t : Uintptr.t typ
Value representing the C type uintptr_t.

Floating types

val float : float typ
Value representing the C single-precision float type.
val double : float typ
Value representing the C type double.
val ldouble : LDouble.t typ
Value representing the C type long double.

Complex types

val complex32 : Complex.t typ
Value representing the C99 single-precision float complex type.
val complex64 : Complex.t typ
Value representing the C99 double-precision double complex type.
val complexld : ComplexL.t typ
Value representing the C99 long-double-precision long double complex type.

Pointer types

C-compatible pointers

val ptr : 'a typ -> 'a Ctypes_static.ptr typ
Construct a pointer type from an existing type (called the reference type).
val ptr_opt : 'a typ -> 'a Ctypes_static.ptr option typ
Construct a pointer type from an existing type (called the reference type). This behaves like Ctypes_types.TYPE.ptr, except that null pointers appear in OCaml as None.
val string : string typ
A high-level representation of the string type.

On the C side this behaves like char *; on the OCaml side values read and written using Ctypes_types.TYPE.string are simply native OCaml strings.

To avoid problems with the garbage collector, values passed using Ctypes_types.TYPE.string are copied into immovable C-managed storage before being passed to C.

val string_opt : string option typ
A high-level representation of the string type. This behaves like Ctypes_types.TYPE.string, except that null pointers appear in OCaml as None.

OCaml pointers

val ocaml_string : string Ctypes_static.ocaml typ
Value representing the directly mapped storage of an OCaml string.
val ocaml_bytes : Bytes.t Ctypes_static.ocaml typ
Value representing the directly mapped storage of an OCaml byte array.

Array types

C array types

val array : int ->
'a typ -> 'a Ctypes_static.carray typ
Construct a sized array type from a length and an existing type (called the element type).

Bigarray types

val bigarray : < ba_repr : 'b; bigarray : 'bigarray; carray : 'c; dims : 'dims;
element : 'a; layout : Bigarray.c_layout >
Ctypes_static.bigarray_class ->
'dims -> ('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind -> 'bigarray typ
Construct a sized C-layout bigarray type representation from a bigarray class, the dimensions, and the Bigarray.kind.
val fortran_bigarray : < ba_repr : 'b; bigarray : 'bigarray; carray : 'c; dims : 'dims;
element : 'a; layout : Bigarray.fortran_layout >
Ctypes_static.bigarray_class ->
'dims -> ('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind -> 'bigarray typ
Construct a sized Fortran-layout bigarray type representation from a bigarray class, the dimensions, and the Bigarray.kind.
val typ_of_bigarray_kind : ('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind -> 'a typ
typ_of_bigarray_kind k is the type corresponding to the Bigarray kind k.

Struct and union types

type ('a, 't) field 
val structure : string -> 's Ctypes_static.structure typ
Construct a new structure type. The type value returned is incomplete and can be updated using Ctypes_types.TYPE.field until it is passed to Ctypes_types.TYPE.seal, at which point the set of fields is fixed.

The type ('_s structure typ) of the expression returned by the call structure tag includes a weak type variable, which can be explicitly instantiated to ensure that the OCaml values representing different C structure types have incompatible types. Typical usage is as follows:

type tagname

let tagname : tagname structure typ = structure "tagname"

val union : string -> 's Ctypes_static.union typ
Construct a new union type. This behaves analogously to Ctypes_types.TYPE.structure; fields are added with Ctypes_types.TYPE.field.
val field : ('s, [< `Struct | `Union ] as 'b) Ctypes_static.structured
typ ->
string ->
'a typ ->
('a, ('s, 'b) Ctypes_static.structured) field
field ty label ty' adds a field of type ty' with label label to the structure or union type ty and returns a field value that can be used to read and write the field in structure or union instances (e.g. using getf and setf).

Attempting to add a field to a union type that has been sealed with seal is an error, and will raise ModifyingSealedType.

val seal : ('a, [< `Struct | `Union ]) Ctypes_static.structured typ ->
seal t completes the struct or union type t so that no further fields can be added. Struct and union types must be sealed before they can be used in a way that involves their size or alignment; see the documentation for IncompleteType for further details.

View types

val view : ?format_typ:((Format.formatter -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> unit) ->
?format:(Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
read:('a -> 'b) ->
write:('b -> 'a) -> 'a typ -> 'b typ
view ~read:r ~write:w t creates a C type representation t' which behaves like t except that values read using t' are subsequently transformed using the function r and values written using t' are first transformed using the function w.

For example, given suitable definitions of string_of_char_ptr and char_ptr_of_string, the type representation

view ~read:string_of_char_ptr ~write:char_ptr_of_string (ptr char)

can be used to pass OCaml strings directly to and from bound C functions, or to read and write string members in structs and arrays. (In fact, the Ctypes_types.TYPE.string type representation is defined in exactly this way.)

The optional argument format_typ is used by the Ctypes.format_typ and string_of_typ functions to print the type at the top level and elsewhere. If format_typ is not supplied the printer for t is used instead.

The optional argument format is used by the Ctypes.format and string_of functions to print the values. If format_val is not supplied the printer for t is used instead.

val typedef : 'a typ -> string -> 'a typ
typedef t name creates a C type representation t' which is equivalent to t except its name is printed as name.

This is useful when generating C stubs involving "anonymous" types, for example: typedef struct { int f } typedef_name;

Abstract types

val abstract : name:string ->
size:int -> alignment:int -> 'a Ctypes_static.abstract typ
Create an abstract type specification from the size and alignment requirements for the type.

Injection of concrete types

val lift_typ : 'a Ctypes_static.typ -> 'a typ
lift_typ t turns a concrete type representation into an abstract type representation.

For example, retrieving struct layout from C involves working with an abstract representation of types which do not support operations such as sizeof. The lift_typ function makes it possible to use concrete type representations wherever such abstract type representations are needed.

Function types

Abstract interface to C function type descriptions
type 'a fn = 'a Ctypes_static.fn 
The type of values representing C function types. A value of type t fn can be used to bind to C functions and to describe type of OCaml functions passed to C.
val (@->) : 'a typ ->
'b fn -> ('a -> 'b) fn
Construct a function type from a type and an existing function type. This corresponds to prepending a parameter to a C function parameter list. For example,

int @-> ptr void @-> returning float

describes a function type that accepts two arguments -- an integer and a pointer to void -- and returns a float.

val returning : 'a typ -> 'a fn
Give the return type of a C function. Note that returning is intended to be used together with Ctypes_types.TYPE.(@->); see the documentation for Ctypes_types.TYPE.(@->) for an example.
type 'a static_funptr = 'a Ctypes_static.static_funptr 

Function pointer types

The type of values representing C function pointer types.

val static_funptr : 'a fn ->
'a Ctypes_static.static_funptr typ
Construct a function pointer type from an existing function type (called the reference type).