Module Cstubs_inverted

module Cstubs_inverted: sig .. end
Operations for exposing OCaml code as C libraries.

module type INTERNAL = sig .. end
module type BINDINGS = functor (F : INTERNAL) -> sig .. end
val write_c : Format.formatter ->
prefix:string -> (module Cstubs_inverted.BINDINGS) -> unit
write_c fmt ~prefix bindings generates C stubs for the functions bound with internal in bindings. The stubs are intended to be used in conjunction with the ML code generated by Cstubs_inverted.write_ml.

The generated code uses definitions exposed in the header file cstubs_internals.h.

val write_c_header : Format.formatter ->
prefix:string -> (module Cstubs_inverted.BINDINGS) -> unit
write_c_header fmt ~prefix bindings generates a C header file for the functions bound with internal in bindings. The stubs are intended to be used in conjunction with the C code generated by Cstubs_inverted.write_c.
val write_ml : Format.formatter ->
prefix:string -> (module Cstubs_inverted.BINDINGS) -> unit
write_ml fmt ~prefix bindings generates ML bindings for the functions bound with internal in bindings. The generated code conforms to the Cstubs_inverted.INTERNAL interface.

The generated code uses definitions exposed in the module Cstubs_internals.